Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Shack Review - 554 Words

When I started to read The Shack by William P. Young, I was expecting a gory memoir of a child who was kidnaped and brutally murdered. But it is so much more. The book goes on to tell the story of Mackenzie Allen Philips, or Mack, who had a drunk for a father that regularly abused him. Over his childhood, he struggled in his relationship with God, which lead him down the path of the â€Å"Great Sadness† after his youngest daughter, Missy, was kidnapped. The so-called serial killer â€Å"Little Lady Killer† takes his daughter while on a camping trip with his three youngest. The police and Mack search desperately for Missy, and end up finding her bloody dress in a shack in the remote wilderness of Washington. Three and a half years later, Mack receives a strange letter in his mail box telling him to go to the shack where Missy’s dress was found. It’s signed at the end with â€Å"Papa†, the name Mack’s wife refers to God as. He goes to the shac k only to find himself being faced with the Holy Trinity; God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. Only, God appears as a female version of Morgan Freeman, Jesus appears as a modern-day carpenter, and the Holy Ghost appears as an almost translucent Asian lady called Sarayu (pronounced Suh-ruh-yu). There he is faced with having to learn to trust in God even though it feels as if he is no where to be found, and cope with the death of Missy. Mack has, to say, run-ins with stories from the Bible that were made reality for him, for example walking on water withShow MoreRelatedThe Shack: Analysis855 Words   |  4 PagesA simple textual analysis of â€Å"The Shack† According to â€Å"The Shack†, William Paul Young had to confront the issue of theodicy; how a loving god could allow such overwhelming pain, suffering and evil in the world he created. The overall thesis of the book seems to states that forgiveness is desirable. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working Free Essays

string(24) " of roses for everyone\." A STUDY ON WORKPLACE STRESS AMONG WOMEN WORKING IN BANKING INDUSTRY By ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: CHARU MODI ABSTRACT Women in India have served a lot after independence. From just a experienced homemaker, women today have gained skills and potential of not just being a homemaker but being at parity with their male counterpart. Moreover, varying roles of working women, they have preserved the conventional work culture of household. We will write a custom essay sample on A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now a day the companies are thriving towards high rate that the women have to work for longer hours to sustain the standard of living and accomplish their basic needs. In spite of having the recent technologies and services, women feel to be work loaded and stressed. The abstract literature on stress recommends that working women are lying on to the same face stressors practiced by working men. So far, women are also confronting with possibly exceptional stressors such as inequality, social disconnection, and work/home classes. Stress arises because of many causes which are emphasized in the research paper. The research paper also contains reasons of stress and how to ease the stress and rise above such problems by the working women at their workplace. KEYWORDS: Workplace, Stress, Working Women. INTRODUCTION Know About Stress Stress is a mood that is formed when we respond to particular events. It is the body’s manner of growing to a challenge and getting ready to meet a strong situation with focal point, power, energy, and sensitive alertness. [9] Stress is a normal physical reaction to actions that make you feel endanger and disturb your balance in some way. Fortunately, research shows that lifestyles vary and stress-reduction techniques can facilitate people learn to cope up with stress. 1] Stress refers to the tension from the argument between external environment and internal environment, guiding towards emotional and bodily pressure. [9] In this fast moving world, it is not viable to live without stress, whether it is a student or working women. There is both constructive and destructive stress, depending on each individual’s exclusive observation of the force between the two factors. Not all stress is terrible. For instance, constructive stress, also known as eustress, [17] can assist a person to perform a task at best efficacy and effectiveness. Therefore, it is clear that some form of constructive stress can adjoin more shades and enthusiasm to lives. The presence of a target, for example, can drive to make the most of the moment pleasurable and generate enhanced value. It is considerable to keep this in mind, as stress management signify to use stress to our benefit, and not on eliminating the occurrence of stress in our lives. [8] I. 4. Present Status Psychological Well Being The present status of women in the current working environment can be demonstrated using some current data on the working women culture. [11] FIG 1. PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL BEING Source [11] DIFFERENT TYPES OF STRESS: External and Internal Stressors [1] People can get known with stress from outer or inner causes. * Outer stressors include adverse physical state or distressing psychological atmosphere (such as poor working conditions or unpleasant relationships). [9] * Inner stressors can also be physical (viruses and other diseases, irritation) or psychosomatic (such as deep worry about a destructive event that may or may not occur). [9] * Severe or Unrelieved Stress Stressors can also be defined as temporary (severe) or lasting (unrelieved). Severe Stress. Severe stress is the reaction to an instantaneous threat, usually known as the fight response. The threat can be any circumstances that are supposed, even subconsciously or incorrectly, as a threat. Common severe stressors include: * Noise (which can cause a stress answer even during sleep) * Crowding * Isolation * Starvation * Danger * Illness * Hi-tech equipment effects (playing videotape ,playoffs, regularly buzzing mobile phones) * Visualizing the threat or detection of a precarious incident Under most conditions, once the severe threat has agreed, stages of stress hormones come back to normal. This is known as the repose reaction. Unrelieved Stress. Often, up to date life poses ongoing stressful conditions that are not short-lived. The recommendation to take action (to fight or flee) must thus be cautiously handled. Stress, after that, turns into unrelieved. Common unrelieved stressors contain: * Ongoing extremely pressured work * Long-term relationship problems * Lonesomeness * Constant financial worries WORK PLACE STRESS: Stress at work is quite a new perceptible fact of contemporary lifestyles. Occupational stress adds a load to physical health. Work related stress in the life of controlled workers, thus, have an effect on the wellbeing of organizations. Stress, either fast or steady, can bring risky body-mind disorders. Instant disorders such as nervousness attacks, worry, sleeplessness, tenseness and muscle pain can all result in unrelieved health problems. It has an effect on immune system, cardiovascular and nervous systems and direct individuals to regular addictions. Like â€Å"stress reactions†, â€Å"relaxation responses† and stress management techniques are some of the important built-in response systems. Unfortunately, at present, don’t get peaceful and calming situations without asking. For relaxation one has to struggle to create such circumstances. [19] This study is carried out to investigate that how much the women workforce of the banks are strained and how do the pressure of work influence their occupation life, societal life, productivity etc. In order to do so a sample of 10 women employees are selected from each of the three banks for the research of workplace stress among them. Symptoms of Work Stress It is no surreptitious that stress and associated disarray is being considered as generally regular cause of employee disability. Managing of workplace stress is leadership accountability. Good leaders who are familiar with the symptoms of stress can manage situations to create more pleasing workplaces and to improve both efficiency and the bottom line. Corporate women who have served in all conditions distinguish stress when they monitor symptoms such as: [7] * Nervousness * Indecisiveness * Petulance * Complaining * Forgetfulness Loss of self confidence * Sleeplessness * Physical tiredness WORKING WOMEN: This is the fresh generation of women, who needs to chase their dream career. But this life is not a couch of roses for everyone. You read "A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working" in category "Essay examples" Waken up at sharp 6 in the morning after retiring to bed late at night, crackling up an delicious breakfast for each one while getting the children all dress up for s chool, taking care of the sundry house needs that require her consideration that’s the average working woman’s home schedule for all. Things are not easy for her on the work frontage either. The collective-roles that women are have to play these days, bring about energy leak both at the bodily as well as mental level. [16] II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The study on the workplace stress among women is conducted with the following objectives: * To determine the major causes of workplace stress. * To find the steps to reduce work place stress among women. * To find the measures to reduce workplace stress. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The questionnaires were filled by 30 women those who are working in three major Banks of Bhopal i. e. Axis Bank, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank, so the reach of sample findings was less. 0 women employees of different designations filled the questionnaires. Due to this the opinion of employees differs as they are from different levels/designation. Data are collected from various sources, current articles like from online services, the Internet, and public libraries. The research describes the factors causing stress in the workplace and its impact on women. An effective method of coping with stress is given, but limited to ones examined in the primary and secondary resources. LITERATURE REVIEW Women and Workplace Stress: WOMEN ACCOUNTABILITY Stress at work, the stress of lifting up children, the stresses that come with growing old parents, some of these circumstances could offer a fairly high sum of stress [12]. When women are faced with collective roles, all of which carry serious demands, they face stages of stress that are high enough to add to fitness problem, neglected work, and a reduced ability to obtain on additional. ACCOUNTABILITY AT OFFICE ACCOUNTABILITY AT HOME Source: [5] An environment with little flexibility or option would be a bigger risk of agony than an atmosphere of no-voice for a working woman. Interestingly, women’s stress matters do not deviate considerably. Women are all-rounder by character and include responsibilities inside responsibilities. [3] Job, relations and dwelling are not detached and the subjects around balance surmount in spite of working for yourself or someone else. The new study from University of Melbourne has publicized that almost 1 in every 5 Victorians working women undergo depression[23] that can be attributed to job stress and more than one in eight or 13 per cent of the working men with depression have trouble due to job stress. 3] The literature on work-related stress has made known many different courses of job related stressors and linked them to such matters as job pleasure and worker yield (Beehr Bhaget, 1985) [6]. One of the major causes of workplace stress is whether the person is satisfied with the job or not. Many researchers found that job related stress issues are related to role ambiguity, role conflict, employee performance a nd satisfaction, over work load, need for achievement and organizational effectiveness. In 1976 Research [6] conducted in the financial services sector recognized that stress can also increase the probability of errors and arguments as workers cut corners to achieve targets – 81% believe irritation in the workplace has pessimistic effect on spirits, 74% are less dynamic when in a bad frame of mind, and 15% work slower (in fear of making a mistake) when their boss is angry. Fear of aggression is often on the minds of individuals who handle cash on a regular basis, and can be a major cause of mental and physical distress (Violence and stress in financial services, 2003). A survey of 1,299 employees from 37 organizations [6] recognized ten causes as the more important providers to employee stress. These were Employees not being free to converse with one another, individual disagreements on the job, Employees not being given charge over their work, insufficient employment or budget, Management and workers not talking frankly, Management supposed as being uncooperative, below average unwell and holiday benefit, lessening in employees profit, Lack of gratitude or return for doing a good job. In one more research â€Å"Managing Stress at Work† by Kate Jenkins conducted in 2001 [6] drew number of factors which add to stress in work places, which are people are working longer hours, taking shorter or no breaks, with increase growth in IT and globalization, decrease in spare time and less sleep and there are more time and travel pressures. (Jenkins, 2001) [6] . Work stress sometimes affects organization by: * Increased rate of absenteeism. * Decreasing rate of dedication to work. * Increasing rate of employees return. * Increasing rate of grievances from clients and customers. Increasing rate of insecure working exercise. * Negatively affecting staff recruitment. [6] With the rapid progression of technology, the rate of work load has increased and thus the stress among working women. To some extent there is the fright from being economized in awful times, leading to better job uncertainty on the part of those who stay [21]. Unquestionably, work-related stress is one o f the most frequently quoted stressors faced by persons all over the world. The remarks reported by Lundberg offer some descriptions for why Luecken et l originate that women working in clerical and customer service place who had children at home reported greater than before strain at home, but no increase in strain on the job. [2] While some stress is good for inspiration and growing competence, stress after a limit can result in depressing crash such as reduced efficiency and effectiveness. Most of the people are feeling secluded and upset at work, and this has resulted to better work-related stress. Consulting experts and professionals are being consulted on ways to raise link and inspiration of their employees. Few companies arrange parties and make their workforce feel appreciated at work. These are method to encourage employees and assist them to sense protected at their jobs, interpret into greater yield. On the other hand, not all companies have such method in place. Figure 2 : Model Of Causes And Consequences Of Work-Related Stress * Source: [14] RESEARCH METHODOLOGY III. Research Design: This study includes exploratory research on the concerned areas relating to working women and the stress levels that are constantly being felt by them at their workplace. I have tried to highlight the situation in context of such problem and tried to suggest some of them for correcting the situation. IV. Data Collection: primary Data was collected with the help of self-administered questionnaire which includes 15 items. Secondary data was gathered from newspapers, magazines and online sources such as websites. Some analytical graphs were also collected to support the research objectives. VI. Sample Size: I have taken the sample of 30 women employees from three different private banks of Bhopal named ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, AXIS Bank. DISCUSSION FINDINGS: The Major Causes of Work Place Stress among women are: In the Modern times stresses can take the form of financial needs, or emotional disturbance. Contest at work and an increased workload are also the root cause of greater levels of stress. The stress can be identified by the symptoms as mental symptoms usually experienced include sleeplessness, headaches and an incapability to focus. Physical symptoms like heart palpitations, breathlessness, excessive sweating and stomach-aches. Reasons for stress are? There are many different reasons of stress which are also known as stressors, like Common lifestyle stressors include performance, intimidation, and demise stressors. Performance stressors are generated when a person is placed in a state where she feels a need to shine. This could be during performance evaluation, lunch with the boss, or delivering a speech. Threat stressors occur usually when the present situation poses a risky threat, such as a monetary recession, or from a misfortune. Last but not least, demise stressors take place when there is a feeling of loss such as the fear of losing a loved one, or any other loss. Therefore, there are a variety of stressors, and even more diverse methods and ways of handling with pressure and turning it to our own advantages. The causes which are faced mostly by working women at their workplace in my study at Bank are: * Extended working hours * Harder to balance work and home demands * Under utilization of skills * Unreasonable demands for performance[17] * Underpaid job * Multiple tasks at work Deficient of maintaining interpersonal communication between the employer and the women employees. [15] * Deficient of maintaining interpersonal relationship among the women employees * The fright of losing one’s work * Minimum time left to spend with the family [15] * Treated substandard to your male contemporaries. [1] * Experiencing sexually nagging funny story from your superior and male contemporaries. [4] * Very few of the women employees feel that they are suffering from depression while most of the employees experience that that they are liberated from the despair. Most of the women employees worry about their contemporaries view about them whereas hardly any of the women employees are not concerned with the view about their colleague. Most of the women workforce of the bank talk about their difficulty and share their opinion with their other half or associates or others while very few of the women employees are not worried with it. Major part of the women employees job above 8 hours which is the starting point of the stress while few of the women employees don’t work for more than 8 hours. Nearly 50% of the female employee spent regular time on leisure activities which assists them to stay stress free while 3/4th of the women employees don’t do that. Nearly half of the women employees find their social life to be even-handed whereas 2/5th of the women employees don’t have their social life balanced. Very few of the women employees remain silent. Most of the women employees fright the value of performance being offered by them whereas 15 % of the women employees don’t fear the quality of their work. Major part of the sample i. e. round 70 % women workforce try to find the key of their stress while 30% of them do not find any solution. 45% of the women employees try traditional exercises like meditation, naturopathy, yoga and other ancient medicinal methods to decrease their stress whereas 55 % of the women employees use other techniques to reduce stress like resorting to pastime, holiday. After analyzing the data of all the three banks, it is seen t hat the women employees working in AXIS bank are less stressed out when compared to other banks. It can be for the reason that it’s a brand name and believe in teamwork as their core values. Steps To ease from Work Place Stress among Women: Management of Stress is the requirement of the hour. Though hard we try to go ahead of a stress situation, life appears to discover new behaviour of stressing us out and resulting with nervousness attacks. [18] Furthermore, be it our nervousness, mind-body tiredness or our erring outlooks, we tend to ignore causes of stress and the circumstances generated by those. In such disconcerting instants we often do not recall that stressors, if not avoidable, are reasonably manageable and treatable. [10] Unfortunately, today, they do not get peaceful and soothing situations without requesting. To be stress-free one has to struggle to make such situations. The suggestions range from individually focused actions to broad based organizational policy changes. These include the following: * â€Å"Just smile away and forget everything† An employee of HDFC Bank * â€Å"Talking to family members ,loved ones, Watching TV or listening good music, Going for a walk or long drive† An employee of HDFC Bank * â€Å"Working in environment benefits, lot of optimistic approach. Optimistic approach is only that reduces stress and achieves triumph. † AXIS Bank employee. â€Å"Adjust with others, Find and spend time to go to temple, pray and talk to GOD, Study novels, All are the child of the supreme GOD† An employee of AXIS Bank * â€Å"We should do such actions from which we get pleasure and also make people happy. Share your moments of life with your close friends and relatives. † An employee of ICICI Bank. * Provide day care and substitute work preparatio n as resources for preventing stress. * Provide more job elasticity for women to better manage work home clashes. [22] * Deal with Finances and Treat physically in spa, massage centres in weekends. Get Help by a mate or servant so that time could be spent with family. [22] * Cook if you like it and serve by your hand to family members. [22] * Dropping / Picking up Kids from School in your leave days and then go for a little walk. [22] * When stressed at work for deadlines or otherwise, give priority to your â€Å"me† time first and maintaining home comes second. [13,20] CONCLUSION: In recent years majority of the women discovered that their stress was essentially due to their idleness and also they were happy with fewer responsibilities. Lack of loving behavior from their colleagues, scolding from boss, more working hours, under utilization of skill sets was reported as cause of stress always by maximum percentage of the women. Higher percentage of the respondent experienced stress always because of lack of their involvement in decision making in their organization that reduced their responsibilities on their shoulder and the participatory model followed in their organizational set up enhanced their responsibilities to the point of exhaustion. As women, they need to acknowledge what they have and can do for them to reduce stress. All must remember that old saying, if you don’t look after yourself, no one else will look after you. Honour yourself! SCOPE FOR FUTURE WORK I know that the current level of research may not reveal the exact parameters of stress regarding the causes and suggestions. Therefore, exhaustive research shall be carried out in future research work in this particular field. REFERENCES: 1. Brief, A. P. , ; Aldage, R. J. (1998). The self in work organizations: A conceptual Review. Academic of Management Review, 6, 75-88. 2. C. Light Kathleen , â€Å"Psychosomatic Medicine 59:360-361 (1997) 0033-31, Editorial Comment 3. NALAG Centre for Loss ; Grief  © 2008 PRM 003. 1 The Bereavement Buddy Version 1. 1 Last Updated 1 February 2009, pp 1 4. Long C. Bonita,† ERIC Digest† EDO-CG-95-53 5. Pathak Sonal, 2. Dr. Sarin Anil, â€Å"IJMBS Vol. 1, Issue 3, September 2011†,pp 66 6. Rehman Hina, â€Å" Literature Review†, International Review Of Business Research Papers Vol 4 No. 4 Aug – Sept 2008, Pp. 164-166 7. Richardson, A. M. , Burke, R. J. , ; Leiter, M. P. (1992). Occupational demands, psychological burnout and anxiety among hospital personnel in Norway. Anxiety, stress and coping. An international Journal, 5, 55-68. 8. Organizational Behaviour by V. G. Gondalkar, pp 177-179 9. Stephen P. Robbins ,Timothy A. Judge, Seema Sanghi, Organizational Behavior, 13th Edition, pp 700-703 10. Stein, Franklin, â€Å"Occupational Stress, Relaxation Therapies, Exercise, and Biofeedback†, Psychological Therapy:    A Holistic Approach, Second Edition, 2001, pp. 235-245. 11. Tripathi Parul , Bhattacharjee Sandeep â€Å"Present Status†, Zenith International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 Issue 2, February 2012, Pp. 3 12. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (November, 2007) . â€Å"Brain Imaging Shows How Men And Women Cope Differently Under Stress: Science Daily†. Online] Available: http://www. sciencedaily. com 13. â€Å"Women suffer more stress at work â€Å"TNN Jul 22, 2010, 14. European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions 2007(Adapted from Kompier and Marcelissen, 1990) 15. Irene Houtman, Karin Jettingh off, Raising Awareness of Stress at Work in Developing Countries, A modern hazard in a traditional working environment, Advice to employers and worker representatives, Protecting Workers’ Health Series No. 6, pp 17-18 16. http://mm. bharatmatrimony. com/featured-story/288-stress-and-the-working-women How to cite A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Theme of the Story of an Hour free essay sample

Kate Chopin showed how even the news of someone elses death, if told the wrong way, can be lethal. Louis Mallard was described as a woman who has heart troubles. Louis’s sister told her, her husband has died in a railroad disaster. At first Louis was overwhelmed with sadness and despair, but after crying for some time, she begins to imagine the years ahead; on her own without anyone to oppress her. She is overjoyed with her newfound sense of independence. Those feelings were soon taken away, and replaced with death, when her husband comes home. At first Louis Mallard is afraid of freedom, but once she begins to experience her newly-found independence, it filled her with an uncontrollable joy that was quickly taken away from her. When Louis was told that her, her husband has died she â€Å"wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment†. At first, Louis didn’t know what to do, and freedom seemed like a terrible thing, and being restricted almost her whole life, it’s hard for her to imagine how to live without him. We will write a custom essay sample on Theme of the Story of an Hour or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After Louis isolates herself in her room, she starts to look out her window. At that point Louis begins to discover freedom and she starts the transition to accepting her newfound freedom. Louis becomes excited about her independence, â€Å"she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window†. Now that she fogged up her mind on how free she is, and how she is not confined in her marriage anymore, she leaves the room. She walks with her sister carrying herself like a goddess of Victory; she sees her husband walks through the front door. Louis was so excited when she learned about her independence, but once she discovered her husband is still alive she realizes she won’t have her new independence. She then went in a state of shock, got heart attack and died from the joy that kills.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Joanne Greenbergs I Never Promised You A Rose Garden free essay sample

A discussion of the novel depicting the pain and suffering of schizophrenia. This paper discusses Joanne Greenbergs semi-autobiographical novel which tackles issues surrounding mental illness. The authors intentions in writing the novel are outlined, including the importance of the patients relationship to the therapist, the relationship with family and the humanization of mental illness. `Deborah Blau, the protagonist in I Never Promised You A Rose Garden, creates a world called Yr as one of the symptoms of her disease. Yr is a tranquil haven from the real world until Deborah undergoes treatment for her illness. While she tackles her issues in the hospital under the kind and skilled guidance of her therapist Dr. Clara Fried, Deborah is forced to confront the painful emotions that have haunted her throughout her life. These issues and her family background are offered by Greenberg not as an excuse or cause for Deborahs illness, but to provide context and garner empathy. We will write a custom essay sample on Joanne Greenbergs I Never Promised You A Rose Garden or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Throughout the novel, the points of view of Deborahs parents and her sister are examined, also to provide a greater understanding of schizophrenia as it affects not only the patient but also all who care for her. The novel ends on an uplifting but realistic note: Deborah has begun to trust the healing process even as she recognizes that the process will be no `rose garden.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Best Books for SAT Critical Reading / Verbal SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What are the best books for the SAT critical reading section (which used to be called the verbal section)? Here we review a few of the top books that we feel helps students the most. We discuss which skills you should be learning from books, and which you should instead be learning from flashcards or practice. You can get these books online, or better yet from the library. What is the Critical Reading? Start with Sentence Completion. By now you understand what the Critical Reading is about. About a third of it is sentence completion, which is a vocabulary test by any other name. As background, the SAT Critical Reading section used to be called the Verbal section, which many years ago used to be almost all based on vocabulary. Vocabulary has fallen in importance on the SAT from around 50% of the entire test (in the 1990s) to just about 10% today, and will even be lower with the new SAT in 2016. Thus, sentence completion represents a vestigial portion of the SAT. Since it's all about vocabulary, the best books for sentence completion, in our opinion, are books that directly target this. Bonus: Money-Saving Tip: Most of these books can be reused by many students. It's better to get more of these books and see what works for you, and instead of shelling out money for new, latest-edition copies of every single of these books consider 1) Borrowing these books from the library many well stocked town libraries have these books 2) Buying used or older editionsof the books: the SAT test has been relatively stable from 2006-2015, used or old versions can real tough or 3) Finding free analogues online, many sites online offer the all the major ideas and tips in the books for free, oftentimes summarized. Best Books for SAT Sentence Completion: #1 Book in Sentence Completion: Direct Hits, Vol #1 and Vol #2 This book is seen as one of the best books for SAT vocabulary studying for one simple reason: it has an incredibly high hit rate compared to others. The words in this book consistently show up more on future SATs than other lists online. It uses real vocabulary tested in past SATs most often, therefore explaining its high predictive power for future SATs. Another reason this book is great is that it's so concise: there are only 200 words in each volume. This makes it easier to memorize than the thousand-word lists, and ensure that the authors can concentrate on only the most important vocab words. My professional advice is this: if you can only remember 200 words for the SAT, make it Direct Hits Volume 1. If you can only remember 400 words, for the SAT, make it Direct Hits Volume 2. You'll get more mileage out of these than any other books. If you can't get your hands on the direct hits book, then base the first 200-400 of your vocab studying off of a list that is constructed based on past SAT tests as well, such as our free vocab cards of 400 most frequent SAT words. The old saying is true: the past predicts the future well. #2 Book in Sentence Completion: Barron's SAT Vocab Flash Cards This is the new edition of the word list I personally used to study for the SAT and get a perfect on it back in the day when it was much more vocab, which is high praise for this word list. Barron's consistently manages to be the best book studying for high achieving SAT students, and this book (actually a flashcard pack) is no different. With word count at 500, it's bigger than Direct Hits. All independent word lists likely have some overlap, but this is definitely the list to go onto after the Direct Hits, and together with Direct Hits this forms about a thousand words that will take about 20 hours to memorize. If you have an SAT study plan that spans in the hundreds of hours, this set of flashcards is certainly worth it. SAT Critical Reading: Passages Passages constitute the rest of the Critical Reading SAT section. Much of passages is about understanding the meaning of a story what the author's feeling are, the main idea the author is trying to convey, how the author communicates. Thus, understanding this is very important. I want to dispel what I believe is a myth about Critical Reading Books at this point. Myth: the best way to improve on SAT Passages for Critical Reading is by reading more English Literature books. The myth goes: read Dickens, Austen, Fitzgerald, and Shakespeare to improve your reading skills fastest. Hogwash! First, reading is NOT the same thing as English literature (analogous to the reason here). Likewise, literature passages only form a small portion of the SAT Critical Reading passages. Second, reading English literature is incredibly inefficient. Pride and Prejudiceby Austen may take a dozen hours to read. In that same time, you could have practiced a hundred short passages. Moreover, you'll be caught up in the story, and you'll rarely be practicing effective SAT relevant skills: quicklydissecting separate, small passages. Once you figure out Austen's intent once, you never have to figure it out again. In 12 hours, you get one practice swing and figuring out author intent, whereas you could be practicing 100 times instead. This motivates our choice of books: The Best SAT Critical Reading Passage Books #1 Book in Passages:Real SATs from the Past: I don't just mean the latest College Board Official SAT prep guide, but also the 1997, 2000,2003, and2005, editions, and more versions that you can find if you're resourceful. Why would I recommend such outdated material? Because passages themselves haven't changed that much through time. The SAT has changed up analogies, writing, and a lot of other things, but the format of short, self-contained passages has been maintained for decades. Like I mentioned before in 24 hours, you can read either two novels, or do 40 passage sections from the past tests. It is important while reading, whether passages like suggested above, or longer format text like short stories or essays, to focus on SAT type questions. The most common are: 1) what is the author's opinion about the subject? 2) what's the author's emotion? 3) does the author have any motivations that might skew his opinion? Keep these in mind no matter what you read! #2 Book in Passages:Barron's Critical Reading Again, this book is best for high scorers, but it explicitly points out the types of tricks and strategies often used on the SAT. The great thing about this book is that it dissects the passages out for you, and doesn't patronize you at all. The authors are perfect-scoring level professionals who clearly know the material cold, and they're targeting students aiming for a perfect 800 as well. I wouldn't recommend this for students starting below a 550, as it can be intimidating and the techniques may not be optimal for students starting out. #3 Book in Passages:Kaplan's Critical Reading At this point, we're getting into pretty standard run-of-the-mill explanations for critical reading. However, Kaplan's book is stellar at being a general introduction to Critical Reading, especially if your starting score is 350-550 region. It won't cover strategies for perfectionists well, and the writer often seems to lack full understanding of the toughest concepts, but it's a very gentle introduction for students starting in this range. You might also say at this point what if I'm starting out below a 350? In this case, there might be some basic English language deficiencies at play perhaps English was your second language. We'll have another article out for this range soon! What's Next? The college admissions process has become so competitive that it's helpful to plan well in advance for SAT/ACT prep during high school. Here are a few guides to help your thinking: Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points, or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Inverted Pyramid

The Inverted Pyramid The Inverted Pyramid The Inverted Pyramid By Michael Heres a tip from the newsroom: the inverted pyramid style of writing. It will help you to get your message across faster. It was developed by journalists for reasons that are completely irrelevant today or are they? The inverted pyramid principle says you should put your most important point at the top of the article, followed by your next most important point, and so on, in diminishing order of importance. Newspapers still use this principle today, but where did it come from? Many historians say that the inverted pyramid was invented by 19th century wartime reporters, who sent their stories by telegraph. They wanted the most crucial information to get through first, just in case the transmission was interrupted. But, you say, we dont send many telegrams today. Ah, but more than ever, we do send messages that can easily be interrupted! Distraction, impatience, confusion, even boredom; all these can keep your reader from finishing those precious words that youve written. Busy people expect writers to get to the meat quickly, or theyll find something else to read. The next time you write something, decide what your most important point is. If they dont hear anything else you say, what do you want them to hear? Then, say that first. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. Had"Confused With" and "Confused About"The Difference Between "Phonics" and "Phonetics"

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Whether the prisoner can be tortured to obtain the information needed Essay

Whether the prisoner can be tortured to obtain the information needed - Essay Example Terrorists are a group of people dedicated to a cause who perform an unconventional act of violence against civilians for political gain. While Prisoners of War can be held without answering any questions except for name, rank and serial number, terrorists are criminals. Terrorists need to be captured and brought to trial. If American troops capture the terrorist, they need to be sent back to American to be tried. If a foreign government or army captures a terrorist, the American government should follow the extradition laws of the foreign government. In the case of the captured number two Al Qaeda terrorist, he should be questioned. If he refuses to talk, this terrorist must be sent to a federal prison to await trial. He should not be tortured, but the terrorist does not necessarily have the rights of an American citizen. That means they can be held in the comfort of a federal prison for an undetermined length of time, until a trial can be arranged. That is not torture. Torture is defined as anything that causes pain to punish or coerce. It would be unethical to withhold medical attention from a terrorist. The use of beating, punching or any other physical means of torture would also be wrong. It is also wrong to withhold food and water from a prisoner. Now psychological torture is different. Loud noises, bright lights, isolating a prisoner or even having the prisoner remain nude is humane. Americans employ these methods against unruly prisoners in America. These psychological methods will not permanently harm a terrorist. So they could be used against the number two Al Qaeda man to find out information. Victims and the victim’s families of 9/11 might disagree with giving a terrorist any rights. If the 9/11 tragedy could have been prevented by torture, some would argue that the means would justify the end. In a perfect world this argument would be true. If American Intelligent was a perfected science, where the military would know

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Significance of Human Resource Development Essay

Significance of Human Resource Development - Essay Example In this regard, organizations have recognized the importance of Human Resource Development as an important strategic partner in the development of its most valuable intangible asset - the human capital (Zula and Chermack, 2007). With the growing number of workers which is likewise intensified by diversity due to the burgeoning population of ‘baby-boomers’ (Waight, 2005), Human Resource Development (HRD) is critically required to address the diverse characteristics and provide a strategic human capital planning (Zula and Chermack, 2007). The following outlines the essence of human resource development being a strategic partner in business organizations. The changing role it portrays from traditional perspective of human resource function to a more decentralized functionality. Its significance in the learning and development of individuals and organizations as well as the emerging trends and future of human resource development is herein provided. As organizations continue to struggle to address the demands of a changing economy and marketplace, whilst finding ways to improve performance of the workforce and in turn enhance financial profitability, HRD is perceived the best source and venue for these changes to take place as prime role of this division is manpower development. In Graham’s (1994) findings, he ascertained that successful health care organizations, despite different approaches and ways of achieving end result, all acknowledged and recognized the significance of human resource dimension. Through well-integrated human resource structure, specifically with the function of human resource development, employee’s skills and abilities are nevertheless extracted to provide utmost value for optimal business profitability. In this sense, the human resource development has emerged as a critical essential feature

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Interior lighting Essay Example for Free

Interior lighting Essay Interior lighting not only illuminates dark rooms, creating mood and atmosphere, it emphasizes areas of importance and highlights prized possessions. But selecting the best interior lighting for both practical illumination and as a powerful decorating tool isn’t automatic. You need to develop a lighting plan for each room that serves your lifestyle and complements your personal decorating style (Young). Luminance and Chrominance It is easier to take advantage of these effects when the interior is described in terms of luminance and chrominance. Luminance is closely related to the perception of brightness, whereas chrominance is related to the perception of color hue and saturation. By definition, luminance is proportional to the light energy emitted per unit projected area of source, but the energy in each band of wavelengths of the input is scaled by the corresponding sensitivity of the eye in that band. Therefore, luminance is a measure of the physical energy of the light source reaching the eye, but the incident energy is weighted according to the spectral sensitivity of the eye (Tregenza and Loe). Color The color of an object or surface is determined by its reflected or transmitted light. Color is not a physical property of the things we see – it is the consequence of light waves bouncing off or passing through various objects. What is perceived as color is the result of materials reflecting or transmitting energy in particular regions of the visible spectrum. A light source that emits radiant energy comparatively balanced in all visible wavelengths appears â€Å"white† in color. Passing a narrow beam of the white light through a prism separates and spreads the individual wavelengths, allowing the eye to distinguish among them. The resulting visual phenomenon is called color spectrum. â€Å"White† light sources emit energy at all or almost all visible wavelengths, but not always in an ideal proportion. Almost all sources are deficient at some wavelengths yet still appear to be white. This deficiency influences the perception of colors; the effect is known as color rendition. It causes the graying of some colors while enhancing the vividness of others (Gordon). Daylight A principal characteristic of daylight is its variability. The color of daylight changes with the time of day, the cleanliness of the atmosphere, and the inter reflection of surrounding objects. The intensity of the sun changes with the time of the day, the time of year, and the latitude of the site. The luminance of the sky depends on whether the light is coming from an overcast sky, from a clear sky only, or from a clear sky and direct sunlight. Daylight has two components: sunlight and skylight. Sunlight is the directional beam emitted by the sun; skylight is the diffuse reflection of light from particles in the atmosphere (Gordon). Incandescent Lamps The incandescent lamp depends on passing an electric current through a wire to such an extent that it glows white hot. Tungsten wire is now used, but early lamps used carbon filaments; it is necessary to have a material with a high melting point so that it emits light for reasonable length of time without breaking. The tungsten wire is usually coiled and coiled again to produce a fine filament. This is supported on two wires, which connect it to the electricity supply. The bulb usually contains an inert gas to stop the filament oxidizing; sometimes a vacuum is used. But gradually, as the lamp operates, tungsten evaporates from the filament and is deposited on the inside of the bulb. The filament becomes thinner and eventually breaks. An inert gas filling retards this process and ensures a reasonable lamp life, typically about 1000 hours. The actual life varies within a batch of lamps, and although a mean value can be quoted this may not be helpful. Lamp manufacturers often give the life as the point when they expect a particular percentage of lamps to have failed (Tregenza and Loe). Discharge Lamps – The Glowing Gas Light can be produced by an electric discharge in a gas-filled transparent tube. The discharge is started by applying a high voltage across electrodes at each end. This ionizes the gas filling, enabling an increasing current to flow, and resulting in further ionization. The radiation produced depends in the materials in the tube ad the as pressure. Its spectrum is discontinuous, and comprises bands of radiation at specific wavelengths. Phosphor coatings in the inside wall of the tube may be used to absorb some of the radiation and re-emit it at different wavelengths – especially to convert ultraviolet radiation to energy in the visible range. With all discharge lamps additional equipment is required in the electrical circuit. This produces an initial high voltage to start the discharge, then limits the current during operation and controls the power factor. The power factor depends on the relationship between voltage and current in an ac circuit and affects the efficiency of the equipment. The combined efficacy of the lamp and its control circuit determine the energy efficiency (Tregenza and Loe). The fluorescent lamp is the most versatile package of light available in today’s market. Ranging in light output from 115 lumens to 16,500 lumens in standard sizes, they are available in 40 different wattages and numerous circuit types. Fluorescent lamps are known as gaseous discharge lamps; they produce light by discharging an electric arc through a tube filled with low-pressure gas which contains mercury atoms. Some of the electrons in the arc collide with electrons in the mercury atoms. When collisions occur the mercury electrons are knocked out of orbit and, because they have absorbed energy as a result of the collision, jump to a higher energy level. They return to their normal orbit almost immediately and, in the process, give up the energy which was absorbed (Lindsey).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Handmaids Tale :: essays papers

Handmaids Tale In what ways can The Handmaid&rsquos Tale be considered a feminist novel? The Handmaid&rsquos Tale is narrated by an oppressed woman, so it is to be expected that feminism becomes a recurring theme. Women have no rights or money unless they have a valid marriage to a man. They are given few options&ndash if they are fertile they can become sex slaves&ndash&lsquo womb on legs&rsquo to Commanders or choose to go to the colonies. Infertile women or&lsquo unwomen&rsquo are seen as having no use so they automatically go to the colonies where they will die from disease or radiation. Their use and status is totally dependent on their relationships with men and ability to have children. Women are used by men and treated as far inferior, in Gilead women are the men&rsquos property. The handmaids especially&ndash&lsquo We are a commodity&rsquo, their names in the household reflect this&ndash Offred&ndash Of Fred. They can be disposed of at will, even the Commander&rsquos Wives have little real importance and are given menial tasks such as ordering prayers at Soul Scrolls and knitting the Guardians scarves&ndash&lsquo Maybe it&rsquos just something to keep the Wives busy, to give them a sense of purpose&rsquo. But this concept of women being extensions and property of men is one used in our own society. Though mostly out dated now,&lsquo Mrs Peter Watson&rsquo is similar to&lsquo Ofglen&rsquo. But practically all terms for women are the extension of the term for men&ndash Mr/s, fe/male, wo/man. This leads to the idea that Atwood is really just exaggerating the current situation of the world. The second quote at the beginning of the book from Swift&rsquos&lsquo A Modest Proposal&rsquo indicates that The Handmaid&rsquos Tale is Atwood&rsquos own satirical view of present times. In an interview Atwood says&lsquo theres nothing in the text that hasn&rsquot already happened&rsquo. The third quote&ndash&lsquo There is no sign in the desert that says&lsquo Thou shalt not eat stones&rsquo&rsquo indicates that she believes Gilead could never come into existence because of the common sense of people, no one could really believe in its philosophy and beliefs, the society&rsquos flaws are too apparent. Another interpretation of the novel is that it is a reaction against any idea that the woman&rsquos place is in the home, that her sole use is one of reproduction. It demonstrates where these views could lead if encouraged or entertained. It gives the idea that men would act that way if given the power, that they would like to be in control and superior. That although men outwardly accept and respect women, inwardly they do not see them as equals&lsquo I sense in him (the Commander) none of the

Monday, November 11, 2019

Phobias and Addiction Paper

Phobias and Addiction PSY 300 October 22, 2012 Phobias and Addiction Learning a behavior is gaining knowledge or skills through experience, practice, or conditioning. For example, most people learn to wake up at the sound of an alarm clock. Through the process of conditioning, he or she awakens at the sound of the alarm. The alarm becomes the signal to start the day. Often what happens is that some people condition themselves to awaken at the same time every day without even hearing the alarm.In the late nineteenth century Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, was the first to systematically study classical conditioning (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). Classical conditioning is a process when a neutral stimulus brings forth a reaction corresponding with a stimulus that automatically brings forth that reaction (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). Pavlov effectively produced a conditioned reaction in dogs to a specific stimulus in systematically planned procedure (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). Produced in a similar process are phobias, addictions, and the process of extinction.The following considers how phobias develop through classical conditioning, how addictions develop through operant conditioning, how these two types of conditioning differ, and finally covering the process of extinction and how it is achieved in both types of conditioning. Classical and Operant Conditioning Classical and Operant conditioning are processes in which the brain connects and understands different things. Both depend on the modifications that arise in behaviors when derived from the setting or the behavior itself and necessitate a systematic process.Classical and operant conditioning, otherwise known as associative learning, developed from the behaviorist perspective (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). Both procedures share â€Å"common features such as extinction, prepared learning, discrimination, generalization, and the possibility of maladaptive associations† (Kowalski & Westen, 2011, p. 193). In c lassical conditioning the stimulus that gives off a reflexive response is substituted with a different stimulus (Kowalski & Westen, 2011).In operant conditioning the preferred behavior results according to consequences whether positively or negatively reinforced making that behavior occur more or less frequently (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). It is through these processes that some humans develop phobias and addictions. Phobias through Classical Conditioning According to â€Å"Kowalski & Westen†, (2011), â€Å"a phobia is an irrational fear of a specific object or situation (p. 167). When someone reacts to this irrational fear, his or her response is extreme anxiety such as hyperventilating, increased heart rate, extreme emotions, and sometimes fainting (Kowalski & Westen, 2011).A famous example of the creation of phobias in classical conditioning occurred during the Little Albert experiment conducted by John Watson and Rosalie Rayners (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). For example, tho ugh Albert did not initially fear white rats, when a loud noise occered with the white rat the conditioned response became fear (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). This created a phobia of white rats and other objects used during the experiment (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). For Albert, classical conditioning created these behaviors.Addictions through operant Conditioning Another difficult and often destructive behavior is addiction. The results of addictions can often be poor health, disease, crime, mental illness, and even death. According to the â€Å"American Psychological Association† (APA), (2012), addiction is defined as â€Å"is a condition in which the body must have a drug to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms† (Addictions). The â€Å"drug† to an addict is not always a substance; it is sometimes an activity such as gambling, sex, or eating.Addiction is often associated with operant conditioning (Antczak,  2011). A person has natural survival met hods, the pleasure or pain response, which either causes the feeling of pleasure when the action is to survive or pain in the actions that decrease to chance of survival (Antczak,  2011). These responses occur as a result of the release of neurotransmitters in the brain (Antczak,  2011). Pathways form in the brain and neurotransmitters reinforce them with the experience of pleasure or pain (Antczak,  2011).Using drugs for example often result in both pleasure and pain responses. Initially the drug creates the feeling of pleasure. This â€Å"high† can cause the person to seek out this altered state therefore creating an addiction. After the high an addict often experiences ill feelings or pain. Often, the addict will seek out those feelings of pleasure to avoid the pain and distress when they are not using the addictive substance. This pattern of a connection between behavior and consequence is operant conditioning (Antczak,  2011).Extinction In classical conditioning learned responses can be extinguished, which is the process of extinction (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). After extinction, recovery is often short term. Extinction initially weakens the remaining association to the learned response, but extinction does not occur unless the reactions of consistent. For example, a parent seeks to have his or her child fall asleep on their own at night and eventually succeeds after having the child cry to sleep on his or her own for a period of time.If this process is consistently repeated, the child eventually will fall asleep on his or her own. After some time, if one parent rushes to the child when he or she cries, the parent will once again struggle to get the child to fall asleep in his or her own and fail to extinguish the behavior. According to Kowalski & Westen, (2011) extinction in operant conditioning occurs if enough trials pass in which the operant is not followed by the consequence previously associated with it (p. 78). If the behavior does no t emit either a positive or negative consequence, eventually the behavior will not occur (Kowalski & Westen, 2011). Conclusion Associative learning covers both classical and operant conditioning and both succeed in a number of settings. To maintain positive behaviors sustain and reinforce connections or extinction ultimately will occur. People learn from experience, and associations made and the resulting behaviors have a powerful influence in the brain.Some associations result in phobias or addictions and although extinction can occur, the process of changing a response is difficult. Classical and operant conditioning allow people to survive, thrive, and adjust to a continually changing situation.References American Psychological Association. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. apa. org/topics/addiction/index. aspx Antczak, A. (2011). Yahoo! voices. Retrieved from http://voices. yahoo. com/classical-operant-conditioning-phobias-addictions-10159457. html Kowalski, R. , & Westen, D. ( 2011). Psychology  (6th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bone Collector Questions

A crime scene investigator might indicate the scale of evidence in photos by using common tools like cigarette packs, ballpoint pens, or car keys as points of reference. They also use rulers, probably for measuring. 2. Sketches of the scene are Important because they show the relationship of each item of evidence to other Items/the body. Photos offer more detail than a video. A sketch artist might note a specific detail that might not be seen that will help find the suspect In a crime; also, sketches provide the exact graphic coordinates of an Item. Ata minimum, areas that a crime scene will include are the exact spot where the offense took place, areas from which the site can be entered, exited, or escaped, and locations of key pieces of evidence. 4. Math skills relate to crime scene Investigations because In both, thinking Is Involved, as well as planning, to find the right answer, or In this case, the suspect. Also, Investigators look at all pieces of evidence In a crime scene, an d we as students look at all the clues In a word problem when we try to figure It out.For example, an Investigator might use the distance formula when figuring out how many steps the suspect took from point X to point Y. Or, might use trigonometry for finding out angles, like how wide the door was open when the suspect escaped. 5. Math is important. 1. In photographs, how might a crime scene investigator indicate the scale of evidence found? A crime scene investigator might indicate the scale of evidence in photos by using common tools like cigarette packs, ballpoint pens, or car keys as points of reference.They also use rulers, probably for measuring. 2. Why is it important to create sketches of a scene (instead of using only photos and video)? What might a sketch artist note? Sketches of the scene are important because they show the relationship of each item of evidence to other items/the body. Photos offer more detail than a video. A sketch artist might note a specific detail tha t might not be seen that will help find the suspect in a crime; also, sketches provide the exact graphic coordinates of an item. . Ata minimum, what areas does a crime scene include? At a minimum, areas that a crime scene will include are the exact spot where the offense took place, areas from which the site can be entered, exited, or escaped, and locations of key pieces of evidence. 4. How do you think math skills relate to crime scene investigation? How might an investigator use geometry and math skills? Give examples.Math skills relate to crime scene Investigations because in both, thinking Is Involved, as well as planning, to find the right answer, or In this case, the suspect. Also, Investigators look at all pieces of evidence In a crime scene, and we as students look at all the clues in a word problem when we try to figure It out. For example, an Investigator might use the distance formula when figuring out how many steps the suspect took from point X to point Y.Or, heshe migh t use trigonometry for finding out angles, Like how wide the door was open when the suspect escaped. Bone Collector Questions By Beaujolais important because they show the relationship of each item of evidence to other items/the body. Photos offer more detail than a video. A sketch artist might note a specific detail that might not be seen that will help find the suspect in a crime; also, ketches provide the exact graphic coordinates of an item. 3. Ata minimum, areas evidence. 4.Math skills relate to crime scene investigations because in both, thinking is involved, as well as planning, to find the right answer, or in this case, the suspect. Also, investigators look at all pieces of evidence in a crime scene, and we as students look at all the clues in a word problem when we try to figure it out. For example, an investigator might use the distance formula when figuring out how many steps the suspect took from point X to point Y. Or, heshe might use trigonometry for examples.Math skil ls relate to crime scene investigations because in both, thinking is involved, as well as planning, to find the right answer, or in this case, the suspect. Also, investigators look at all pieces of evidence in a crime scene, and we as students look at all the clues in a word problem when we try to figure it out. For example, an investigator might use the distance formula when figuring out how many steps the suspect took from point X to point Y. Or, hexes might use trigonometry for finding out angles, like how wide the door was open when the suspect escaped.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What are the main differences between Sikhism and Jainism Essays

What are the main differences between Sikhism and Jainism Essays What are the main differences between Sikhism and Jainism Paper What are the main differences between Sikhism and Jainism Paper Essay Topic: Religion Jainism is a religion of severity. Its goal is passionless detachment, reached only through the most severe and disciplined lifestyles, culminating in death by voluntary self-starvation. The aim is to achieve the goal solely by self-effort without the help of God or gods; Although these self-imposed austerities often include benefit for others. Jains have long been active in promoting public welfare. They are known especially for their endowment of schools and hospitals for people and animals. Ahimsa meaning non-violence is the basis of Jainism. Sikhism based on a loving and ever-present God experience in the here and now is much less concerned with other worldliness. The stress is on this life, this existence and achievement of a state of physical/spiritual equipoise through constant engagement in the Divine Being (Naam). The Sikh religion is perceived as possessing two basic features, one being a mystical aspect the other more aggressive, military and world affirming. Jains constitute what is the only major religion in the world that is unconditionally vegetarian. The Sikh book of Laws, the Rehat Meryada only rejects the eating of meat which is halal-or kosher. The focal point of worship is different between the two religions. Jainisms rejection of God does not entail rejection of prayer and worship-contemplation. Jains contemplate on images of Lord Mahavir (meaning Great Hero) or other Jainas- (previous Tirathankaras). The Sikhs pray on the teachings of their eternal guru, the living guru, Guru Granth Sahib and their ten masters before. This is not worshipped as a holy book It is the knowledge therein that the Sikh adopts into his way of life. Ultimately for a Sikh, God id the profound realisation based on mature reflection of saints and prophets regardless of their religion, caste, class or status in human society. Jains do not believe in a creator God you are the controller of your destiny as in the laws of physics. The meditative focus of the Jains is on the inner light or the Tirathankaras (ones who reached salvation). They believe in energy having its own intelligence the theory of evolution. In Jainism there is no concept of a holy book. It was only introduced when the British courts of Law in their time in India, required one for oath taking procedures. It was at this time that the Kalpasutra containing a biography of Lord Mahavira written by a monk called Bhadrabahu, after the demise of Mahavira. This is one of 45 books of his writings on logic, universe, code of conduct etc. Mahavira and the other unorthodox teachers of his age were primarily interested in seeking liberation from the wheel of rebirths. Sikhs believe in there being a God without parallel and meditate on the One who is the Absolute Truth a formless God. Sikhism promotes belief in the Grace of God. They believe that God may forgive and pardon humans for their sins and wrongs Sikhs believe in a loving God. Jains talk about forgiveness without involving God in it. Sikhism is theistic (believe in God) and Jainism is atheistic (dont believe in Gods existence). Jains observe fasting during the festival of Paryushan/ Samtsari. Sikhism does not sanction any kind of fasting. Explain the main beliefs/ teachings of Jainism, comparing where appropriate, with the teachings of Sikhism (own faith) Jainism is a non-Vedic Indian religion (they do not believe in the teachings of the Vedas). The Vedic religions accept the authority of the Vedas and Vedic literature (Hinduism). Whereas Jainism accepts the authority of its own Agamas and Agamas literature- Holy Scriptures, Jainism completely rejects the notion of a creator God, an external entity. Jainism is a representation f the Sramanic culture. Jainism is humanistic in its approach and spiritualistic in its depth. Religious fervour and moral earnestness are closely associated and subscribe to the view Religion if taken seriously and rationally will be deeply moral, but it is not morality. Sikhism is a whole life socio-political religion. Its aim is to uplift the personal lives of individuals to a higher social and spiritual levels. Sikhism believes in the Oneness of God, a formless God and teaches against idol worship in any form. Jainism promotes belief in worship of a living god as Mahavir and other Tirathankaras, though they do not idolise these saintly figures. Jains worship the idea of attaining a god-like status within themselves. Jains do not believe that the universe has been created by a super-being and adopt belief in the scientific theory of the Big-Bang, laws of physics energy having its own intelligence- theory of evolution. There are similarities like setting aside a portion of ones earnings towards charity and welfare of the creation and faith. Sikhism places great importance on the underlying spirit (dharam) of religion, which is the recognition and dedicated pursuance of ones duty in life. Jainism is close to this ideal although it is much more prescriptive. Jainism occupies itself with a religious outlook: 1 The nature of the self 2 The goal of human pursuance 3 The doctrine of karma 4 The meaning of spiritual awakening 5 The incentives to a spiritual life 6 The performance of spiritual exercises such as control of five senses. The Sikh way of life relies on truthful conduct and a short formal code of discipline- Rehat Meryada, based on some basic injunctions issued by the Tenth guru, Guru Gobind Singh. The Sikhs seek daily guidance from the Word Guru, the eternal Guru, Guru Granth Sahib and the teachings therein. Sikhism believes in the existence of one Omnipotent reality called Waheguru. Jainism does not promote belief in a creator, they worship the idea of attaining god-like status within themselves. The Jain mysticism turns around two concepts Self ( atmaan) and higher Self (Paramatmaan). Each soul is a potential god i.e. Paramatmaan. As soon as the karmic limitations are removed the self realises its real nature and a state of pure perfection. Now the various innate capacities of the soul find their full expression and the soul exhibits its potential divinity. Mahavira is the figure behind Jainism-believed to be the 24 Tirathankar-Ford maker in the current era of cosmic decline. He found salvation and became a completed soul, Kevalin and conqueror Jina. The name Jain is derived from Jina.Mahavir taught for 30 years before passing away at Pava,near Patna in Bihar. Mahavir was much more of a rationalist than the Brahaminists He rejected revelation and based his religious scheme on logic and experience. He accepted the somewhat pessimistic view of the human situation and was concerned for release. As he saw the situation, the human soul was enmeshed in matter and could only gain liberation through losing its accumulation of actions and their consequences. At the heart of the Sikh religion lies the idea of the guru. God is perceived to be the true Guru-his divine and creative Word(Shabad) came to mankind in a distinctive way through ten historical figures each of whom was called a guru. God is one, the ultimate and eternal guru(satguru) who provides enlightenment and understanding for the disciple, by his own Grace. In is transcendent state he is beyond description. Gods grace enables sincere devotees to experience Him through worship and meditation. In its origin the sikh religion possesses a strong mystical and devotional basis. For Jains the Three Jewels to attain salvation are * Right knowledge * Right faith * Right conduct Right knowledge comes through the Jain creed, Right faith through believing in it and Right conduct through following it. The first two are worthless without the last so Jain monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen take vows of right conduct, the most important and all embracing of which is non-violence. For the sikh way of life,the founder of Sikhism taught the practice of truthful living * Kirt karo earn your living by honest means * Naam Jap meditate on the Oneness of God, One Absolute Truth * Vand shakna share your earnings with the needy. A3: Discuss the main beliefs on Jainism comparing them with the fundamental beliefs of Sikhism. (includes main vows) The four classes recognised by Jains are different to the quadruple division of society of the Vedic religion. The basis of division of classes in Jainism not birth but conduct. The divisions are known as 1. Sramanas monks ) homeless mendicants 2. Sramanis nuns ) 3. Sravakas laymen ) householders 4. Sravikas laywomen ) Jainism gives full freedom to all human beings to observe the vows. It provides equal opportunity to all persons to practice self discipline according to their capacity. The observers of vows are divided into two broad categories-ascetics and lay people. The ascetic observes great vows Mahavratas since he/she ceases completely from violence. The lay votary practices small vows Anuvratas in as much he/she desists partially from violence etc. Hence the ascetic vows are complete or great whereas the lay-votarys vows are partial or small. E.g. The lay votary is forbidden to commit gross violence i.e. destruction of higher forms of life those with more than one sense organ But the ascetic is prohibited to commit subtle violence also i.e. taking of lower forms of life beings with one sense organ. The five great vows for an ascetic are in the form of non-violence, non-truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy, and non-possessiveness. An ascetic is also enjoined to practice the sixth vow of abstention from taking food and drink after sunset. The ascetic is also forbidden to commit any sin i.e. violence etc in any form. He is enjoined upon to refrain from all the sinful activities subtle and gross, physical, vocal, and mental. He neither commits a sin himself nor causes others to commit it; nor approves of its committal by others. The Jains accept the Hindu idea and beliefs in that the soul is always reincarnated, (reborn), and karma (deeds). In direct opposition to Buddhism, it teaches the existence of Self as a stable and external principle.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Aid Should Help, Not Hurt

Aid Should Help, Not Hurt Aid Should Help, Not Hurt. Sending aid to other countries is called Foreign aid. Foreign aid is the transfer and loaning of funds, goods or services from one country to another. It is moved from one country to another country. (1) The main purpose of aid, mainly in poor countries, is to improve poverty, give support to the people who can’t reach their needs to survive, rebuild important buildings such as School, Hospitals, and Police Departments and restore a great economy to pick up the country once again. However, the usefulness of foreign aid for poverty relief in Africa has lost its objective. Since the 1950s, the idea that huge amounts of donations can cure poverty has led economic development discourses. More than half of the sub-Saharan Africa are now much poorer than in the 1960s. (2) I don’t deny that the fact that many factors that have contributed to poverty in Africa which include natural disasters such as famine, draught, and wars. But what about the huge excess of aid they have been guiding to this developing country? What did they use it for? According to statistics, while advancement has been made in other rising regions of the world, particularly East Asia in the last six decades, the percentage of those living in life- threatening poverty increased in sub-Saharan Africa. (3) Such statistics can be both terrible and at the same time crushing. There are several reasons to why foreign aid is unsuccessful for poverty relief in Africa. The first reason is that poverty in African countries is not a cruel circle waiting to be broken by foreign help. Instead, poverty is created by economic institutions that thoroughly block the incentives and chances of poor people to mak e their lives better by themselves and their country. Let us for instance the system of apartheid in South Africa which Nelson Mandela fought against. In this situation, apartheid was a set of economic institutions which was planned to work against the black South Africans. It contained rules that governed and dictated to people what they should do and what they should not do, including the motivations and openings they are entitled to. (4) In 1913, the South African government announced that 93 percent of South Africa was for the white economy, while 7 per cent was for blacks (who constituted about 70 percent of the population). Blacks had to have a pass, almost as a national passport, to travel to the cities for job opportunities in the white-controlled mines and industries. They could not own property or start a business there. Such economic organizations, avoid the people that need help and opportunities of the massive population of black South Africans and largely kept them in poverty. While the country was rich during this period , the wealth was in few hands and the common were poor. As such, foreign aid would not remove such institutional strength that disadvantaged the majority to access to the national resources. It should be noted that people in underprivileged countries have the same drives as those in rich countries. Just like those from developed nations, people from humble nations also need freedom of accessibility to economic reserves, to have the same chances to good health care, unpolluted portable water in their homes and value education for their children. The reason to why the poor remain poor is because their basic ability with their talents have been disallowed the opportunity to grow by their various establishments in those countries. In Sub-Sahara African states, it is important to note that once you are wealthy, you are advantaged because you are entitled to much more power while the poor on the other hand, are less fortunate and at the pity of those in power. By way of conclusion, the evidence from examples above and analysis have shown that poor people are trapped within economic institutions and until these institutions feel a major change, foreign aid and any growth it seeks to achieve will only be an illusion, not only in Sub-Sahara Africa, but across all developing countries o f the world.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

American Idolatry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American Idolatry - Essay Example These things tend to greatly influence the life many Americans lead. Fame is one of the things that are greatly yearned for in America. One group of people that enjoy this attention is celebrities. This paper will be a discussion of how Americans idolize some celebrities and the influence that these celebrities have on them. Idolizing entails loving something excessively and unquestioningly thus without criticizing it (Lipps, 1). This is the extent to which most Americans love various celebrities. There have been many cases where teenagers have escaped from their homes in a bid to attend shows that are staged by celebrities. During such shows, the people in attendance will be screaming at the top of their voices for the celebrities. This translates to dressing, immediately a celebrity shows up with a particular way of dressing. People will flock various shops to look for the same designs. With this pursuit, the people who get clothes that match those of a certain celebrity tend to be the envy of their peers and they are considered to be fashionable. Popular celebrities such as Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Usher, Paris Hilton and Madonna are considered to be small ‘gods’ by most Americans. This may be attributed to the richness, success, glory, high regard, respect and power that they possess. These are things that most people in the world would wish to have hence the idolizing that Americans have for celebrities. When most children are young, they tend to cherish their parents, believing that all that they do is right. However, immediately they get to their teenage years and begin socializing with people outside the family circle, the situation changes. At this point, they begin idolizing younger and hotter crowds which include celebrities. From generation to generation, celebrities such as Paris Hilton have influenced the brand of clothes that people wear, the hairstyles that they get and sometimes even the type of hobbies that people take (Lipps, 1). Despite the fact that people may be aware of the fact that some of the ways of life that some celebrities lead is not proper, they still adore this people to the latter. However, as many young people in America idolize celebrities, the big question is whether the moral influence that they ape from these personalities is proper. For instance, Paris Hilton is one celebrity greatly idolized and one thing that most teenagers try to copy from her is her petite frame. To ensure that they achieve such a frame, most teenagers get anorexic as they try to gain and maintain petite frames. Most of them tend to go for long periods without food just to get the desired celebrity look. This way, they tend to get unhealthy and may be susceptible diseases since extremely low weight lowers ones immunity. This is one of the negative influences that celebrities have on many people in America. The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA), in America keeps statistics on the diet habits of women and th e results are a showcase of the craze that most Americans have, obviously motivated by celebrity looks. Data from NEDA shows that 42 percent of first to third grade girls want to be thinner, it is the same case with children as low as 10 years old who said that they did not want to get fat. With the same regard, most young people who are fat tend to be considered ugly by their peers and most of them end up getting depressed due to the stigma