Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Whether the prisoner can be tortured to obtain the information needed Essay

Whether the prisoner can be tortured to obtain the information needed - Essay Example Terrorists are a group of people dedicated to a cause who perform an unconventional act of violence against civilians for political gain. While Prisoners of War can be held without answering any questions except for name, rank and serial number, terrorists are criminals. Terrorists need to be captured and brought to trial. If American troops capture the terrorist, they need to be sent back to American to be tried. If a foreign government or army captures a terrorist, the American government should follow the extradition laws of the foreign government. In the case of the captured number two Al Qaeda terrorist, he should be questioned. If he refuses to talk, this terrorist must be sent to a federal prison to await trial. He should not be tortured, but the terrorist does not necessarily have the rights of an American citizen. That means they can be held in the comfort of a federal prison for an undetermined length of time, until a trial can be arranged. That is not torture. Torture is defined as anything that causes pain to punish or coerce. It would be unethical to withhold medical attention from a terrorist. The use of beating, punching or any other physical means of torture would also be wrong. It is also wrong to withhold food and water from a prisoner. Now psychological torture is different. Loud noises, bright lights, isolating a prisoner or even having the prisoner remain nude is humane. Americans employ these methods against unruly prisoners in America. These psychological methods will not permanently harm a terrorist. So they could be used against the number two Al Qaeda man to find out information. Victims and the victim’s families of 9/11 might disagree with giving a terrorist any rights. If the 9/11 tragedy could have been prevented by torture, some would argue that the means would justify the end. In a perfect world this argument would be true. If American Intelligent was a perfected science, where the military would know

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