Friday, May 22, 2020

Adoption Nature Vs Nurture - 1216 Words

Eric Fraley 4th hour English 3 Mrs. Laluzerne Jan, 12, 2016 Adoption Nature vs Nurture What makes someone an unique individual? Centuries of ancestors, genetics, evolution and heredity, or is what makes someone who they are based simply on how they were raised and what sort of environment they were raised in? The idea of Nature vs Nurture was created in 1869 in a book called Hereditary Genius by Francis Galton. In his book, he explains his findings on his exploration of the inheritance and evolution of human traits. The issue and debate of and over Nature vs Nurture has been prevalent to this day. It has also been a extremely prevalent in the social debate of Adoption. The basis for nature vs nurture is the idea that people are affected either more by nature, which would be an individual s genetic makeup and heredity, or by nurture, how an individual is raised and the environment in which they grew up. Both sides of the argument are strongly backed and supported with facts and research. There is no â€Å"One or the other†, both nature and nurture are what m akes human beings who they are, but the question is not which. It is which of the two effects who an individual is the most?.... Nature is what we are born with. Every person is born preset with different/unique natural abilities and capabilities because of their DNA, adopted or not. Nature plays a bigger role than Nurture when it comes to what makes an individual unique . Weather it seems unbelievable or not,Show MoreRelatedAdoption and Nature vs Nurture1028 Words   |  5 Pages They were all adopted. Adoption plays a large role in the development of an individual. Adoption plays a role in the long time psychological debate of â€Å"nature vs. nurture†. 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